Arkanis Development


Stuff tagged with “matroska”

From November 2013 to April 2014

Every post and project tagged with matroska is listed right below. Feel free to dig around or to use the browser search (ctrl + f) if you're in a hurry.

2 projects started in 2014

  1. smeb Matroska HTTP streaming server No comments Tags: live-streaming, c, http, matroska, poll, network
  2. HDswitch realtime video compositing and audio mixing program No comments Tags: live-streaming, matroska, c, webcam, opengl

One project started in 2013

  1. 2nd events.mi live-streaming system and website for automatic publishing No comments Tags: organizing, live-streaming, ffmpeg, vpx, matroska, shellscripting, http, html, css, javascript