Arkanis Development


Stuff tagged with “programming”

From June 2006 to September 2024

Every post and project tagged with programming is listed right below. Feel free to dig around or to use the browser search (ctrl + f) if you're in a hurry.

One post in 2024

  1. Can you host Reddit on a Raspberry Pi? No comments Tags: scalability, http, sqlite, c, programming

2 posts in 2023

  1. Simple good quality subpixel text rendering in OpenGL with stb_truetype and dual source blending 1 comment Tags: text-rendering, ui, programming, opengl, c
  2. Rectangle rendering benchmark No comments Tags: ui, programming, opengl, c, benchmark

One post in 2022

  1. Unconventional Java programming No comments Tags: programming, java, jena, rdf

One post in 2021

  1. Visualizing process address space and thread activity No comments Tags: programming, operating-systems, c, graphics, teaching

One post in 2020

  1. Performance measurements of brute-force search for a substring in lines 3 comments Tags: programming, performance, php, ruby, python, c, operating-systems, hardware

One post in 2017

  1. Measurements of system call performance and overhead 16 comments Tags: operating-systems, performance, programming

One post in 2016

  1. Math 3D - A simple vector and matrix library for C 10 comments Tags: math, opengl, graphics, c, programming, simplicity, games

4 posts in 2015

  1. Build your own DynDNS 49 comments Tags: dns, http, network, programming, minidyndns
  2. MiniDynDNS 2 comments Tags: ruby, dns, http, network, programming, minidyndns
  3. When does the smallest gap between two floats reaches 1.0? No comments Tags: c, programming, float
  4. A simple one-file image gallery No comments Tags: php, programming, javascript

2 posts in 2014

  1. Minimal OpenCL development on Windows 13 comments Tags: c, opencl, programming
  2. iwatch - run a command when a file changes No comments Tags: programming, c, linux

One post in 2013

  1. Fast line iteration in PHP 6 comments Tags: php, programming, performance

One post in 2012

  1. Touch table blob detection - normalized spider algorithm No comments Tags: c, programming, touch, human-computer-interaction, linux, university

2 projects started and 7 posts in 2011

  1. Programming without a text editor No comments Tags: c, programming, gcc
  2. NNTP-Forum now on GitHub No comments Tags: nntp, programming, php, git
  3. Printing the LLVM Language Reference Manual 1 comment Tags: university, programming, css, llvm
  4. NNTP Forum download and installation guide 2 comments Tags: programming, nntp, php
  5. NNTP forum - a forum like NNTP frontend 3 comments Tags: programming, nntp, php, jquery
  6. Finished my practical term No comments Tags: university, programming, gpgpu
  7. Spacecraft 3D space shooter No comments Tags: game, programming, D, network, gameplay
  8. NNTP-Forum web-based newsgroup frontend No comments Tags: nntp, php, programming, javascript, jquery, html, simplicity, atom, university
  9. A short introduction to NNTP 1 comment Tags: nntp, programming, simplicity, netcat

One project started and 8 posts in 2010

  1. Are getters and setters object oriented? 14 comments Tags: programming, php, D, simplicity
  2. HdM WebDay 2010 No comments Tags: university, programming, webdesign
  3. Why I like PHP right now No comments Tags: php, programming, simplicity
  4. Simple Chat: the details 3 comments Tags: programming, php, javascript, jquery, simplicity
  5. A simple chat in about 50 lines of code 17 comments Tags: programming, php, javascript, jquery, simplicity
  6. Mail address and text obfuscator 2 comments Tags: programming, html, unicode, spam, javascript, jquery
  7. First encounter with Python 5 comments Tags: python, datamining, university, programming
  8. Asteroids 2 comments Tags: asteroids, games, programming
  9. Asteroids small cross-platform engine and game written in D 1 No comments Tags: game, programming, D

3 posts in 2009

  1. KISS?! Wer braucht das schon… Written in German No comments Tags: programming, philosophical
  2. Autotest with Ubuntu OSD notification 1 comment Tags: autotest, testing, programming, ubuntu
  3. Friendly blank pages 1 comment Tags: usability, webdesign, programming, html, css

2 posts in 2008

  1. Modern Ambience design prototype No comments Tags: webdesign, fonts, usability, programming, css, html, javascript, arkanis-development, modern-ambience
  2. Cooles Umfrage-Tool Written in German No comments Tags:, webdesign, programming

2 posts in 2007

  1. Der Spaß am Programmieren Written in German No comments Tags: programming, simple-localization
  2. Visual HTML Jokes Written in German 2 comments Tags: html, programming

12 posts in 2006

  1. Good bye Microsoft; Pete has now left the building! Written in German 8 comments Tags: microsoft, programming
  2. SQL-Abfragen über mehrere Datenbanken Written in German 2 comments Tags: sql, programming
  3. Arkanis Development Version 2 Written in German No comments Tags: arkanis-development, programming, webdesign, html, css, atom, jquery, rails
  4. Arkanis Development 2 online Written in German 6 comments Tags: arkanis-development, programming, webdesign
  5. Ruby on Rails Tests Written in German No comments Tags: rails, testing, programming
  6. The Road to Drupal Hell Written in German No comments Tags: programming, php, drupal
  7. History of Programming Languages Written in German No comments Tags: programming, history, bigger-picture
  8. Prüfungsergebnisse Written in German 2 comments Tags: work, programming
  9. Ausbildung vorbei Written in German 6 comments Tags: exam, work, ruby, rails, programming
  10. The Power of the Marginal Written in German No comments Tags: philosophical, programming, bigger-picture
  11. Wieder viel zu tun… Written in German 2 comments Tags: programming, zgr, network
  12. Einhweihung Written in German 2 comments Tags: arkanis-development, programming