Arkanis Development


Stuff tagged with “php”

From February 2004 to December 2020

Every post and project tagged with php is listed right below. Feel free to dig around or to use the browser search (ctrl + f) if you're in a hurry.

One post in 2020

  1. Performance measurements of brute-force search for a substring in lines 3 comments Tags: programming, performance, php, ruby, python, c, operating-systems, hardware

One project started and one post in 2018

  1. Arkanis Development v4 personal homepage No comments Tags: arkanis-development, webdesign, simplicity, php, html, css, javascript
  2. smtp_send - A simple PHP function to send mails No comments Tags: php, smtp

One project started in 2016

  1. Key to Excellence web-based serious game No comments Tags: webdesign, javascript, html, css, php, json

One project started and one post in 2015

  1. A simple one-file image gallery No comments Tags: php, programming, javascript
  2. simple gallery one file PHP gallery No comments Tags: php, javascript, html, css

One project started in 2014

  1. 2nd events.mi website website to watch live-streams and archived videos No comments Tags: webdesign, html, css, javascript, php

One project started and one post in 2013

  1. Fast line iteration in PHP 6 comments Tags: php, programming, performance
  2. Linux learn map web-based learning platform No comments Tags: teaching, webdesign, php, ssh, shellscripting

One project started in 2012

  1. HdM Sammelkrake portal website, information aggregator No comments Tags: webdesign, php, javascript, imap, nntp, xmpp, mediawiki, newsfeed, ldap

2 projects started and 4 posts in 2011

  1. NNTP-Forum now on GitHub No comments Tags: nntp, programming, php, git
  2. The plains project 3 comments Tags: plains, php, css, webdesign
  3. The plains project web-based note organization tool No comments Tags: plains, organizing, webdesign, php, html, css, javascript, jquery, rest, usability
  4. NNTP Forum download and installation guide 2 comments Tags: programming, nntp, php
  5. NNTP forum - a forum like NNTP frontend 3 comments Tags: programming, nntp, php, jquery
  6. NNTP-Forum web-based newsgroup frontend No comments Tags: nntp, php, programming, javascript, jquery, html, simplicity, atom, university

4 projects started and 8 posts in 2010

  1. Are getters and setters object oriented? 14 comments Tags: programming, php, D, simplicity
  2. Keep it simple, now your tools - WebDay 2010 talk 6 comments Tags: simplicity, webdesign, http, rest, apache, php, atom, html, html5, css, css3, university
  3. Shinpuru 3 comments Tags: shinpuru, php, testing
  4. Shinpuru testing library No comments Tags: php, testing
  5. Why I like PHP right now No comments Tags: php, programming, simplicity
  6. Simple Chat: the details 2 comments Tags: programming, php, javascript, jquery, simplicity
  7. A simple chat in about 50 lines of code 17 comments Tags: programming, php, javascript, jquery, simplicity
  8. Arkanis Development Version 3 5 comments Tags: arkanis-development, webdesign, simplicity, php, html, html5, css, css3
  9. Simple Chat maintenance-free chat without a database No comments Tags: php, javascript, jquery, simplicity
  10. Markdown and HTML5 block elements 4 comments Tags: markdown, php, html, arkanis-development
  11. Arkanis Development v3 personal homepage No comments Tags: arkanis-development, webdesign, simplicity, php, html, html5, css, css3
  12. 7th GamesDay website and event organization No comments Tags: organizing, games, university, webdesign, html, css, javascript, php, sqlite, atom, news-aggregator

2 projects started in 2009

  1. 6th GamesDay website and event organization No comments Tags: organizing, games, university, webdesign, html, css, javascript, php, sqlite
  2. 2nd HelionWeb Server web hosting service and Linux KVM based hypervisor No comments Tags: kvm, virtualization, shellscripting, apache, sql, php, administration

One project started and one post in 2006

  1. The Road to Drupal Hell Written in German No comments Tags: programming, php, drupal
  2. 1st HelionWeb server web hosting service and website No comments Tags: apache, sql, php, shellscripting, administration, organization, webdesign, html, css

2 projects started in 2005

  1. 12FAW class forum phpBB forum admin No comments Tags: php, administration, organization
  2. DHLP page prototype design, phpBB template and wiki No comments Tags: webdesign, html, css, php, regexp

One project started in 2004

  1. ZGR website and local gaming community No comments Tags: webdesign, html, css, php, sql, organizing